Thursday, May 3, 2018

Russ Foxx comes to the Crab

Guest body modification and suspension artist Russ Foxx will be in the Neon Crab studio in London on Tuesday May 8th!  Russ Foxx is a progressive artist specializing in advanced body modification, scarification, suspension and all kinds of precision body piercing. He spends much of his time traveling, teaching, performing freakshows,  and writing for various publications. Now for one day only, he will be in our studio for all of you die hard fans who have been waiting for your chance to get that body mod you've always wanted.  So hurry and book your spot soon as space is limited.  For pricing, and info on what Russ specializes in check out And if you have a question, or would like to book a spot, you can email Russ Fox directly at

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