Thursday, February 16, 2017

Raise Your Awareness semicolon tattoo event

This is Our 2nd year for this Event. We will be raising AWARENESS for mental illness and it's prevention among Young People and Students. Homeless or Otherwise. 
To accomplish this, we will once again be tattooing semicolon tattoos all day long so we can begin to start the conversation about mental health.
There will be a number of designs to choose from created by the artists at Neon Crab Tattoos.  The tattoos will all be done at the shop minimum of $80 each, and 25% from each tattoo that day will be donated to the charity Keeping Kids Warm.
Keeping Kids Warm will also be hosting the other half of this fundraiser at East Side Bar at 750 Hamilton Rd. in London from 2pm until 7pm with live music, raffles, door prizes and lots more.  So once you are done getting your semicolon tattoo, head on over and show your support! 
One day only, Sunday March 12, 2017 from 10am until 8pm on a first come first serve basis.  Call the shop or come on in for more details.  For more details about Keeping Kids Warm and the Raise Your Awareness fundraiser, visit....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First off I want to thank Will & Casanova for all their ongoing support to Our cause. To the Artists who are giving of their time and their amazing designs. Please accepty thanks for this. To all 3 studios. You are all awesome. I look forward to seeing your designs for this year.. Thank You all support. We all can hopefully hang the way people look at Mental Illness. It's not a death sentence and with more understanding and love.. We Can Change That...