Friday, April 9, 2010

Neon Crab Awareness Month - GIVEAWAY

The times are changing, and so are people's perceptions of what a tattoo is. No longer are tattoos only for bikers and sailors, they really are for everyone. So for the few people out there who have not been introduced to this new world of tattoos, we as decent citizens, need to perform our public duty of creating awareness for those poor souls who have been living in the dark. And we here at Neon Crab Tattoos & Piercing want to reward you for your good deeds, by giving away a $100.00 gift certificate, good for any tattoo, piercing, or jewelry purchase at Neon Crab Tattoos & Piercing. Here's what you need to do to win..........go and join our Neon Crab Tattoos & Piercing group on Facebook. (this will get you an entry in the contest to winn the $100 gift certificate) Then send an invitation to all of your friends to join. When they join, have them send an email to with their name and your name (the person who invited them) They will get an entry in the contest, and you will get another entry as well. So the more people you get to join, the more times your name is entered in the contest, and the better your chances of winning! Contest ends May 31, 2010.
Good Luck!!

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